Data Sharing Archive

Archived News & Events


Virtual Meeting on Prevention Research & ABCD Study Data (Sept. 28, 2021)

Enhancing Prevention Research Related to Substance Use and Addiction: Identifying Research Gaps and Opportunities with ABCD Study Data
Virtual Meeting on Sep 28, 2021 from 12:00PM to 4:00PM EST

Click here to view a recording of the meeting.

Through presentations and discussions, this meeting connected the fields of epidemiology, developmental neuroscience, and prevention to improve the integration of ABCD findings into prevention intervention research. ABCD data can inform our understanding of heterogeneity associated with substance use risk as well as how that heterogeneity might be leveraged to inform the development of novel interventions and/or the adaptation and tailoring of current interventions to increase the number of youth served who benefit. The goal would be to stimulate data analyses that would lead to the development of targeted prevention intervention research. While there are many relevant key constructs to explore within the ABCD dataset, this initial meeting focused on trauma and self-regulation and their roles in substance use initiation. For each construct, we discussed its definition, how it is represented in the ABCD data, and existing or novel strategies for impacting the construct through intervention. Click here for the agenda.

Interested in attending an ABCD Data Exploration and Analysis Portal Workshop?

In order to participate in the hands-on learning portion of the workshop, you must have approved access to the ABCD data repository on the NIMH Data Archive (NDA). Watch the following videos (NDA Overview and NDA Demo) to learn how to access ABCD data and submit your signed data use certification to the NDA.

Watch these brief videos to learn about the extensive ABCD Non-Imaging Assessments Protocol and the Data Exploration and Analysis Portal (DEAP):

ABCD Workshop on Brain Development and Mental Health (June 22-July 22, 2021)
This event is sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). For more information:

Virtual Distinguished Scholar Lecture: Impacts of Substance Use on Adolescent Brain and Behavioral Development (Minnesota Psychological Association, June 16, 2021)
Wednesday, June 16, 2021, Program: 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. CT
For more information, click here

Diving DEAP into the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study: An interactive workshop on the use of the ABCD Study® Data Exploration and Analysis Portal (DEAP). May 19, 2021
This virtual, interactive workshop, sponsored by the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting, will provide opportunities for attendees to learn how to analyze ABCD data using the Data Exploration and Analysis Portal (DEAP). Attendees will also learn about ABCD data that have been made available to the broader scientific community, and understand how data are organized in the NIMH Data Archive. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, May 19, 10 a.m. – noon ET. For more information and to register, click here.

ABCD – ReproNim Virtual Course October–March, 2021
The ABCD-ReproNim Course provides a comprehensive background to data from the ABCD Study® while delivering hands-on, interactive instruction to enable rigorous and reproducible data analyses (see attached flyer). The course runs from October–March and is targeted to students, postdocs, and early career faculty. Visit the ABCD-ReproNim website for more information and to apply.


Beyond Statistical Significance: Understanding Meaningful Effects Virtual Workshop – September 2, 2020
A detailed summary of the Beyond Statistical Significance: Finding Meaningful Effects Virtual Meeting is now available on the meeting website. The objective of the workshop was to develop best practice recommendations for interpreting meaningful effects by engaging scientists from a range of disciplines in discussions of meaningful science that go beyond statistical significance. Please reach out to Elizabeth Hoffman with questions.

Flux Society Pre Conference Workshop – September 9, 2020
FIT’NG together with NIH HBCD and ABCD: Important Considerations in the Age of Multisite Early Childhood Imaging Studies –

This workshop is a collaborative effort of the Fetal, Infant, Toddler Neuroimaging Group (FIT’NG), the Healthy, Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study, and the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study that will focus on important design considerations at the single and multi-site study level. A hands-on workshop with the ABCD Study’s online Data Exploration and Analysis Portal (DEAP) will include demonstrations and tutorials featuring tools and methodologies for analyzing data from large, multi-site neuroimaging studies. This workshop also will provide a forum to facilitate communication and collaborative science amongst early childhood and adolescent neuroimaging scientists.

Symposium: Researcher’s Guide to the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study: Release 3.0 – June 26-30, 2020
Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada. June 26-30, 2020

Symposium: Preview of the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study Release 3.0 – April 30-May 2, 2020
Society of Biological Psychiatry Meeting. New York, NY, USA. April 30-May 2, 2020 (Click here to view Symposium slides)

Symposium: The Developmental Perspective in Brain and Behavior: Analytic Tools and Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study – April 25-29, 2020
American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, USA. April 25-29, 2020

Symposium: Neurodevelopmental risk and structural MRI metrics in the ABCD study and Gastrointestinal complaints and eating disorder symptoms in the ABCD study – March 19-21, 2020
Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biennial Meeting. San Diego, CA, USA. March 19-21, 2020


ABCD Data Use: Challenges and Opportunities for Prospective and Current ABCD Data Users – December 8, 2019
Participate in an open dialogue regarding user experiences, challenges and opportunities in accessing and analyzing ABCD data. December 8, 3:00 – 5:30 PM at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Diving DEAP into Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study Data – October 19, 2019

Participate in an interactive ABCD study design and data analysis workshop at this year’s Society for Neuroscience annual meeting October 19, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, featuring tutorials on the use of the web-based Data Exploration and Analysis Portal (DEAP) for analysis of ABCD data. The workshop will include information about how to access ABCD data through the NIMH Data Archive, as well as presentations on ABCD study design and measures, brain imaging and other data processing pipelines, statistical analysis using DEAP, vertex-based brain imaging analysis, and tools for analyzing ABCD data through cloud computing.  To register, email [email protected]Click here to view workshop agenda.

ABCD Science Newsletter (2019-2020)

Archived Data Release Information


ABCD Data Release 4.0 available now on the NIMH Data Archive!
The fourth annual curated ABCD Data Release 4.0 is available now on the NIMH Data Archive. In addition to baseline data on the full participant cohort (nearly 12,000 participants), Data Release 4.0 contains early longitudinal data, including 2-year follow-up neuroimaging data (second imaging timepoint), as well as follow-up phenotypic data for the 6-month, 1-year and 18-month visits on the full cohort. Interim data are also available for the 30-month, 3-year and 42-month visits. See table below. Smokescreen genotyping array data with TOPMed imputations are available as well. These include common variations, as well as variations associated with addiction, smoking behavior and nicotine metabolism. Also available are ABCD derived scores from linked external school performance and environmental data, including the Stanford Education Data Archive, EPA Smart Location Database, American Community Survey Area Deprivation Index, FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, lead exposure risk and air pollution indices,  among others.

Also included in Data Release 4.0 are COVID supplemental survey data, consisting of survey responses from ABCD families about the impact of the pandemic on their lives. Surveys were sent electronically to all ABCD participants and their parent/guardian in May, June, August, October, and December of 2020, and March and May of 2021. Youth and parents/guardians were asked separately about school attendance and activities, sleep, daily routines, physical activity, mental health, screen time, racism/discrimination in relation to COVID-19, COVID attitudes and practices, and coping behaviors. In addition, when site and school closures began in March 2020, ABCD participants who had their ABCD-assigned activity tracker agreed to extend protocol wear of the device, contributing valuable objective physical activity, resting heart rate, and sleep data. Also included are COVID-19 geocoded metrics that describe the local environment for each participant, including unemployment data, COVID-19 prevalence, and social distancing metrics. Authorized users can obtain more information and access the updated data from Full details are in the Release Notes for Data Release 4.0.

Researchers new to the NIMH Data Archive system interested in gaining access to the data can create an account here and follow the instructions to request access. Returning researchers can log into their account using the Login button.

Linked external environmental data in ABCD Data Release 4.0
Click here to view the linked external environmental data available with ABCD Data Release 4.0. (Fan et al. 2021)

ABCD COVID-19 second supplemental data release is now available on the NIMH Data Archive (NDA)
The ABCD COVID-19 data release consists of survey responses from ABCD families about the impact of the pandemic on their lives. Surveys were sent electronically to all ABCD participants and their parent/guardian in May, June, August, October, and December of 2020, and March of 2021. This second ABCD COVID data release consists of survey data from October and December of 2020 and March of 2021. Youth and parents/guardians were asked separately about school attendance and activities, sleep, daily routines, physical activity, mental health, screen time, racism/discrimination in relation to COVID-19, COVID attitudes and practices, and coping behaviors. In addition, when site and school closures began in March 2020, ABCD participants who had their ABCD-assigned activity tracker agreed to extend protocol wear of the device, contributing valuable objective physical activity, resting heart rate, and sleep data. Also included are COVID-19 geocoded metrics that describe the local environment for each participant, including unemployment data, COVID-19 prevalence, and social distancing metrics. Visit the NDA website for more information.

R Data Source file now available on the NIMH Data Archive
The purpose of the RDS file is for the implementation of the Data Exploration and Analysis Portal (DEAP) for the most current release of ABCD Study data. The RDS file is accessible via the ABCD page on the NIMH Data Archive.

ABCD Data Release 3.0 available now on the NIMH Data Archive!
The third annual curated ABCD Data Release 3.0 is available now on the NIMH Data Archive. In addition to baseline data on the full participant cohort (nearly 12,000 participants), Data Release 3.0 contains early longitudinal data, including approximately half of the 2-year follow-up neuroimaging data (second imaging timepoint), as well as follow-up phenotypic data for the 6-month and 1-year visits on the full cohort. Interim data are also available for the 18-month, 2-year, and 30-month visits (see Table below). Smokescreen genotyping array data with TOPMed imputations are available as well. These include common variations, as well as variations associated with addiction, smoking behavior and nicotine metabolism. Authorized users can obtain more information and access the updated data from Full details are in the Release Notes for Data Release 3.0.

Researchers new to the NIMH Data Archive system interested in gaining access to the data can create an account here and follow the instructions to request access. Returning researchers can log into their account using the Login button.


Issues Identified with Data Release 2.0.1
Issues have been identified with ABCD Data Release 2.0.1 that impact some of the neuroimaging and genetics data. See below for details.

Due to incorrect post-processing, all task and resting-state fMRI data obtained on Phillips scanners should be excluded from all analyses. This includes tabulated and minimally processed data. This issue does not affect other modalities (sMRI, dMRI) or raw DICOM data (Fast Track). Philips fMRI data have been removed from DEAP and RDS. They will be corrected and made available with Data Release 3.0.

Philips fMRI minimally processed and tabulated data can be excluded by using the ABCD MRI Info instrument (abcd_mri01) and exclude by: mri_info_manufacturer = “Philips Medical Systems”. An R script is available at to remove Philips fMRI data from tabulated data.

We recommend that all users re-run fMRI related analyses without the Philips fMRI data. For published studies, we encourage users to confirm findings without the Philips fMRI data and provide a corrigendum with the updated results. 

1) We found that 111 participants have incorrect genetic data. We will resolve this issue in Data Release 3.0. Meanwhile, we recommend excluding these data from genetic analyses. PGUIDs are provided to registered users via the NIMH Data Archive.

2) The Family ID and relationship between participants (rel_family_id and rel_relationship) in NDA instrument acspsw03 as well as in the RDS file is based on information obtained from guardians at enrollment and is not genetically informed. Currently, the Genetics Working Group, Coordinating Center (CC) and the DAIRC are collaboratively creating more comprehensive measures of family membership to replace Family ID for future releases to enhance analyses accounting for family structure, including twin-based analyses.

Detailed information regarding known issues in Data Release 2.0.1 is available on the NIMH Data Archive.

ABCD Data Release 2.0.1 available now on the NIMH Data Archive
Due to reporting compilation and processing errors in 2.0 Data Release, a 2.0.1 Fix Release has been issued. Please ensure curated data (datasheets, minimally processed data) from the original Data Release 2.0 are replaced with data from 2.0.1 Fix Release. The following release notes were updated to reflect these changes:

  • NDA 2.0.1 Release Notes ABCD README FIRST
  • NDA 2.0.1 Release Notes Imaging Instruments
  • NDA 2.0.1 Changes and Known Issues Fix Release 2.0.1
  • NDA 2.0.1 Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • NDA 2.0.1 Task-Based Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • NDA 2.0.1 Mental Health
  • NDA 2.0.1 Genetics

Registered users can obtain more information from, and access updated data via Option One or Option Two using the NDA Query Tool – For downloading only updated minimally processed imaging data, add the Minimally Processed “Release 2.0.1” to the Workspace via Option Two.

Issues Identified with Data Release 2.0
Problems were identified with the data in 11 imaging-related files (5 diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) files and 6 fMRI Monetary Incentive Delay (MID) task files). See below for more detail. Corrected files will be re-uploaded to the NIMH Data Archive and available soon to users.

DTI subcortical and cortical ROIs and white fiber tracts (Part 1)
DTI subcortical and cortical ROIs and white matter fiber tracts (Part 4)
dMRI DTI Destrieux Parcellations Part 1
dMRI DTI Destrieux Parcellations Part 2
dMRI DTI Full Part 2
Task fMRI MID Average SEM Destriex Parcellations Part 2
Task fMRI MID Run 1 Beta Weights Destrieux Parcellations Part 2
Task fMRI MID Run 2 Beta Weights Destrieux Parcellations Part 2
Task fMRI MID Average Beta Weights Destrieux Parcellations Part 2
Task fMRI MID Run 1 SEM Destrieux Parcellations Part 2
Task fMRI MID Run 2 SEM Destrieux Parcellations Part 2

An error was also discovered in imaging data collected from Siemens scanners between September 2017 and December 2017 where structural images are flipped left-right. These data will be updated in a patch release later this year.

Detailed information regarding known issues in Data Release 2.0 is available on the NIMH Data Archive.

ABCD Data Release 2.0 available now on the NIMH Data Archive!
The second annual curated ABCD data release 2.0 is available now on the NIMH Data Archive. Data Release 2.0 includes baseline data on the full participant cohort, ages 9-10 years. This release contains much of the same type of data as in Data Release 1.1, and also includes genotypic data for the first time. Smokescreen genotyping array data are available on almost 11,000 participants. These include common variations, as well as variations associated with addiction, smoking behavior and nicotine metabolism.

ABCD Study data will be released annually. The next data release will be in early summer 2020 and will include the first longitudinal data from the 6-month and 1-year follow-up assessments.

For more information about Data Release 2.0, visit the ABCD data collection on the NIMH Data Archive. Full details are included in the Release Notes for Data Release 2.0.

Researchers new to the NIMH Data Archive system interested in gaining access to the data can create an account here and follow the instructions to request access. Returning researchers can log into their account using the Login button.

Click here for full baseline data demographics (n = 11,878 participants; 48% female; 52% male)


ABCD Data Release 1.1 available now on the NIMH Data Archive!
The first annual curated ABCD data release 1.0 was made available to the scientific community in February 2018. Subsequently, the Data Analysis and Informatics Center (DAIC) of the ABCD Consortium addressed errors related to some of the imaging-derived tabulated data, improved the formatting of some measures, and made enhancements (e.g., assessment summary scores; imaging QC metrics) to the data. These changes are included in ABCD Data Release 1.1.  Click here for a brief summary of the modifications included in Data Release 1.1. Full details will be included in the Release Notes for Data Release 1.1.

Click here for interim baseline data demographics for the first 4,521 participants (47.5% female; 52.4% male)

Annual Curated Data Release 1.0
Annual Curated Data Release 1.0 is available on the NIMH Data Archive!
Click here for interim baseline data demographics for the first 4,521 participants (47.5% female; 52.4% male)


Archived Data Opportunities


NIH funding opportunity announcements for secondary analysis of ABCD Study data

NIH funding opportunity announcements for secondary analysis of ABCD Study data, “Accelerating the Pace of Child Health Research Using Existing Data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study (R01 and R21)”, have been published. Visit NIDA Program Announcements for more information.


Secondary data analysis funding opportunity announcements expected to be reissued in January 2022

You can view the Notice of Intent to Publish here and here.

Expiration date for the ABCD funding opportunity announcements has been extended until January 2022

Request for Information: Access and use of data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study

NIH has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to solicit feedback from the external scientific community about ABCD data access and use. The NIH is publishing this RFI to seek input on topics to inform development of data use guidelines, cloud-based analytic tools, and other resources from its stakeholders, including members of the scientific community, academic institutions, the private sector, health professionals, professional societies, as well as other interested members of the public. Click here to view the RFI. Please submit responses by June 30, 2021 and direct all inquiries to Dr. Elizabeth Hoffman at [email protected].


Announcing a Registered Reports special issue at Cortex for the ABCD Study!

Cortex has partnered with the ABCD Study with a special call for Stage 1 Registered Reports proposing analysis plans of the upcoming 2020 data release. Click here for more information.


Funding Opportunity Purpose

The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH.  The over-arching goal of this NIDA/NIMH R25 program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs in the use of ABCD data.

To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development. In particular, NIDA/NIMH are interested in supporting short-term workshops that will allow participants to explore the hands-on use of ABCD data, through cooperative or competitive approaches. Applications are due October 17, 2019.

ABCD Neurocognitve Prediction Challenge
The ABCD Neurocognitive Prediction Challenge (ABCD-NPC 2019) invites researchers to submit their method for predicting fluid intelligence from t1-weighed MRI (11K subjects in total, age 9-10 years old). The data of about 4K individuals will be provided for training. The validity of each method will be assessed on its predicted fluid intelligence scores of the remaining 7K children, whose actual scores will be revealed after the challenge deadline. Downloading the data requires approval by the NIMH Data Archive (NDA). An application form will need to be signed by the affiliated institution, so start the application process early.
~ December 15, 2018:   Data Available for Download with Specific Submission Instructions
~ January 15, 2019:   Team Registration Deadline
~ March 10, 2019:   Submission Deadline
~ October 13-19 2019:   Meeting (in conjunction with MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, China)
For more information, please visit:
ABCD-NPC 2019 Organizers: Wes Thompson, UCSD, and Kilian M. Pohl, SRI International