Founded in 1791, the University of Vermont (UVM) is among the oldest universities in the United States and the fifth institution of higher education established in New England after Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, and Brown. The university is located in Burlington, the most populous municipality in the state of Vermont.

ABCD Study at the University of Vermont

The University of Vermont is one of 21 institutions nationwide that will recruit families to participate in the ABCD Study. Families in the ABCD Study will complete their assessments at the University of Vermont Clinical Research Center.  To find out if you are eligible to participate in the ABCD Study at the University of Vermont, or to request information, please call (802) 847-4562 or email us at [email protected].

Click here to learn more about our Study Procedures.

Photo on right:  Back Row – Josh Poirier (Research Assistant), Phil Nguyen (Graduate Research Assistant), Alexandra Potter (Principal Investigator), Nicholas Allgaier (Co-Investigator), Sofia Lozon (Lead Research Assistant), Joe Ortigara (Site Coordinator/RA). Front Row – Zoe Hulce (Research Assistant) and Hannah Loso (Graduate Research Assistant).

Hugh Garavan, Ph.D.

Hugh Garavan, Ph.D.

Associate Director, ABCD Study Coordinating Center; Principal Investigator, University of Vermont
Alexandra Potter

Alexandra Potter, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator
Nick Allgaier

Nicholas Allgaier, Ph.D.

Sofia Lozon

Sofia Lozon

Site Coordinator

Sarahjane Dube

Research Specialist

Anthony Barrows

Graduate Trainee

Lillia Berninzoni

Research Assistant
Sophia Bloom

Sophia Bloom

Research Assistant

Alexa Butera

Research Assistant
Francesca Crompton

Francesca Compton

Research Assistant
Annabel Diestel

Annabel Diestel

Research Assistant

Tsoline Gevorkian

Research Assistant
Shannon O’Connor

Shannon O’Connor

Research Assistant

Eva Owens

Research Assistant

Will Schrier

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Sofia Serig

Sofia Serig

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Lydia Tate

Lydia Tate

Undergraduate Research Assistant